The marks will appear here when all the papers have been corrected.

In the meantime, these are my comments on the Group Rep's work in marking papers, for the five groups whose Identikits have been corrected.

Group A -

Group B -

The group rep gave reasonably honest marks, although wasn't strict on making sure that maxims derive from parameters (last question). So she gets 2 bonus points for her work (8 becomes 10).

Group C –

Group D –

The group rep's mark for herself was accurate, but she played Santa Claus with the others in her group... and so looses 2 points. You must't accept a paper if it is incomplete, tell the student to complete it first because otherwise YOU are the looser.

Group E -

Another group rep playing Santa Claus with herself and with a couple of other students in her group... and so looses 2 points. You must't accept a paper if it is incomplete, tell the student to complete it first.

Group F –

The group rep gave very well pondered marks, it would seem, so she got an extra 2 points. With two exceptions: she gave too many points to Vera who speaks very well with a lot of words (but that are not specific enough) and perhaps to Angela who doesn't seem to understand the concept of “maxims”. And she gave perhaps a point or half point less to Miriam, who left a lot of unanswered questions but was original in combining maxims and her double's actual words (from songs), many people did this but Miriam did it most convincingly.

Group G -

The papers had a lot of missing answers, were often more psychological than cultural and (as everyone else) insufficient in the linguistic description part. So the high marks given were, in my opinion, clearly exagerated.  Indeed, there were some papers that should have been marked “insufficient”. This means the Group Leader receives a penalty of 2 points (from 8 to 6).-


Group H -

Group I -

The papers had a lot of missing answers; the parameters were a good attempt but the maxims were often not convincing. So the marks were, in my opinion, a little high but not enough for a penalty, not honest enough for a bonus, so her personal mark remains as it is.


Group J -