Università Roma Tre – 200--200p - Module "Seeing and saying things in English" Patrick Boylan

IDENTI-KIT of a native speaker of English with whom you'd like to identify

Student: __________________________________ Group ____ Date: __________________

English-Speaking double's name: ____________________________ Nickname: ___________

Biographical information:

Age ___, sex ___, national/regional/ethnic origin ("U.S. Southern rural Afro-American")_________ ___________________________________, caste/clan... (if any) _______________________,
education__________________________________________________________________, religion ________________________, political stance/affiliation _____________________, current job _____________________, past jobs____________________________________.

Define this person's English

  1. Where born and raised (exact localities)? ____________________________________

  2. Where is her/his family and partner from (exact localities)? _____________________

  3. Where did s/he get her/his education? _______________________________________

  4. Where does s/he live? (If often abroad, where?)________________________________

  5. Where has s/he lived extensively in the past? __________________________________

  6. Kind of people s/he frequents : _____________________________________________

  7. What English dialectal variety/varieties characterizes your double: ______________
    ( [ ] Inner, [ ] Outer, [ ] Expanding circle )

  8. Other varieties used (with family, in professional life), if any: ___________________

    Define this person's expressive behavior:

  9. Are there typical expressions you associate with him/her (verbal, paralinguistic, etc.)? ________________________________________________________________________

  10. Tics, multimodal expressive habits, typical behavioral routines:__________________

  11. Grooming, attire: _______________________________________________________

    Define this person's value system, not as an individual but as a member of a paraticular culture

  12. Beliefs and values: _______________________________________________________

  13. On the basis of these beliefs and values, write four maxims that s/he seems to live by:

  14. Using Cultural Dimensions to compare values (yours, your double's, the Queen's)

Example: Bob Marley (BM), compared with Queen Elizabeth (QE) and with me (Me)

Individualism ---QE---------------------------------------------BM--- Me --- .Collectivism.

.Direct. ------------- BM ------------------------Me---------QE-------- Indirect

Now, choose six parameters from Beamer or from Bell, and compare
your double (use initials, like "XY" ), yourself (use "Me" ) and Queen Elisabeth (use "QE" ):

------------------------------------------------------------- ____________

------------------------------------------------------------- ____________ 

------------------------------------------------------------- ____________ 

------------------------------------------------------------- ____________ 

------------------------------------------------------------- ____________ 

------------------------------------------------------------- ____________ 

  1. Given these beliefs and values, write four more maxims that s/he seems to live by:

  2. Any other considerations__________________________________________________