1st Year English for English minors - School of Humanities - University of Rome III - Convener: Patrick Boylan 2005-06
EVALUATION SHEET for Oral Performance in speaking the language of a DOUBLE*

*any native speaker of any variety of English

Student's name (BLOCK LETTERS):_____________________________________________ Student's group: _____

Double's name: ______________________________________ From: _________________________________

The knd of English spoken by the double: ________________________________________________________

1. After discussing (and perhaps viewing) the biographical material, CIRCLE
     does the student talk convincingly of her/his upbringing and background (as her/his double)? NO / YES

2. After discussing (and if possible viewing) the cultural-identity material,
     does the student talk convincingly of her/his cultural identity (i. e., the way s/he sees things, CIRCLE
     not as an individual, but as having roots in some national, regional, ethnic, etc. community)? NO / YES

3. After discussing (and viewing) the language description material,
     does the student talk convincingly of her/his linguistic identity (i. e., the way s/he says things, CIRCLE
     not as an individual, but as a speaker of some variety of English that s/he is able to describe)? NO / YES

MARK: 1 or more NOes = NO (credit);    all 3 YESes = YES (credit);    all 3 YESes + great performance =  +  (credit plus)”

Circle credit: NO / YES / +  

Signature of Evaluator: ________________________________