TEST on students' IDENTI-KITS


ROOM A -- 3 to 5 PM

Students who have made a paper version of their Identi-kit will converse in Room “A” with Patrick Boylan, who has a copy of their kits.

Students who have furnished an electronic version* will converse in Room “A” with one of the outside evaluators from Britain, Canada and the U.S.A., who will have a PC wired to the Internet to check the kits.

*If they want, before their conversation these students can test the links in their identi-kits (which are now on line) in the computer lab next to the Portineria.


Enter:    test.boylan.it
no "www")

N.B. If the computer is off, you must log in

using the user name: studente

and the password: corsi