Name: Federico di Nuzzo

Double’s name: Martin Luther King

Group: C

Date: Sunday the 13th of May


This report of being Martin Luther King it’s been written in American English, he had a precise variety spoken: AAVE (afro American vernacular English) used in his speeches and during his life. He uses a lot the simple past when he speaks, and he’s very specific on describing what he’s doing. He put many times the word “God” when he speaks, as a preacher.


  1. fight for the equality of values

  2. everyone must be free

  3. pursue the happiness

  4. songs help you to communicate with god

  5. I wake up in the morning to sing my faith

  6. only God can judge us

  7. aid the others

  8. let’s have dreams


Italian: a rubar poco si va in galera, a rubar tanto si fa carriera

Martin: stealing is forbidden if you follow the God’s words

Italian: chi tardi arriva male alloggia

Martin: everyone must have the same opportunities

Italian: chi dice donna dice danno

Martin: you shouldn’t be born if women didn’t exist

Italian: chi va con lo zoppo impara a zoppicare

Martin: you can change a person with the aid of God

Italian: Chi lascia la via vecchia per la nuova sa quel che lascia non sa quel che trova

Martin: You’d better have different opportunities

Italian: La vita è breve e l'arte è lunga

Martin: What you do in your life will be for the others who is gonna come

Italian: I vecchi devono, i giovani possono

Martin: let’s change our life from where we’re young

Italian: Il sapere è di tutti

Martin: all of us are able to know, few of us are able to act


I woke up in the morning, at 9, as usual, but I realized that where I was it wasn’t my bedroom. Just a moment to turn around and my wife wasn’t there. I was in a room full of posters, well furnished, but all didn’t seem to be part 60s. I thought probably it was a dream. I took another look, and all seemed technology from future. Going out from the room I saw a young girl cleaning the house up, that was strange. We used to clean up ourselves the house, well, my wife used to, but these are details… She said “ buongiorno” in a strange idiom, seemed like East Europe; I don’t remember my wife hired a girl to clean the house, she might be crazy, I fight for freedom, equal opportunities, no distinction between races, and she had a servant?? God helps us…She wasn’t the only one there, a woman around the 50 years said hello too… “buongiorno eh, non si saluta più?” Let the devil get out of you, my dear, I said, I gotta go to the church, to sing the God’s word. “God’s word? Federico, you’re atheist, are you mad?” Federico, who is, I’m Martin, Martin Luther King… and here all seems..futuristic.. I’ve never seen a young girl cleaning up the house, I spend my time to defend the opportunities of different races in US and I cannot accept this. I asked her to show me a crucifix, because I had to pray, to hope that all that was happening was a dream. She said “ fede, we don’t have it, what the hell are you doing?” How can accept this house, they even do not have a crucifix. Well I just can’t believe. I’m accustomed to cleanliness, neatness, and in that house all seemed the opposite. I was surprised nobody was at home, all out to work, and they were a small family, we are more than that. They were in unusual habits, like gym one, I used to wear elegant clothes also at home. She said to come back in my room and restart my brain, I didn’t really know what she meant but I went to the room where before I woke up and I spend an hour reading some interesting books about Italian literature. The woman knocked the door, I invited her inside to discuss those books, she suggested me to have a shower but I answered that I wanted to speak up in front of the people out of the house. She got shocked and she went out in the way she came in.


L’esperienza è stata sicuramente positiva, in quanto mai provata prima; indagare sulla vita vera e propria del nostro double non è stata facile e sicuramente neanche completa, comunque ho cercato di fare il possibile. Impersonarlo è stato molto difficile non avendo veri valori sui quali lavorare, ma solo massime molto generali, ma non per questo inutili. Sicuramente è stato divertente vedere mia mamma fare tutte quelle strane facce, però in due ore non ti cali ( nel possibile) nel personaggio o comunque non hai tempo di mettere da parte il tuo essere italiano e tirar fuori il tuo Martin Luther King, che echeggia dentro di te nella speranza di uscire. Per ottenere le cose bisogna comunque provare, e quindi ciò è stato fatto, spero al meglio.