




In the 10/11/06 I did a very important experience for my internal growth because:

firstly, I have felt,others things that I never had opportunity to try ,

secondly I never had a situation to experiment a culture and

thirdly,in my life I don't have never seen

that it is proposed a condition of this kind.

The day started at 4 o'clock and my friend and I, met two american boys,

Max and John,in Piazza Trilussa.We started immediately to speak with Max and John

without problems and in the meantime,we

went in a baker's,where we said them in what way they had to ask the tipical "trastevere"food

and furthermore also the way of behaviour.Firstly,we said them they had to be calm when they speak,

secondly they had to put in relax also with the body.

They were a few nervous however the situation in the baker's was good

and for the pleasantness of Max and John,

the proprietor we took in the internal part of the shop

where there was a tipical,old furnace,where they make pizza,bread..

In fact the propeter said us that this baker's is opened by 200 years!!

Max and John were very happy to see these things and they remained surprised......

.......Really also sabrina and I were very astonished to see it!!

Attention..This is only the beginning..This experience continue..

There are different things that make me surprised.Firstly,

when we arrived to baker's it was closed..

And they ask us why the shops weren't opened,

we answered saying that were ten to four 0'clock,

but they didn't understand and then

sabry and I understood,in their american towns the work don't stop!

They said us that

the shop open at 8 and close at 5 o'clock,

and american workers don't stop theirselfs but they

continue to working and they are always active and never tired

and they do what they have to do,

without problems or moans!in this moment I thought immediately

at the value rules observant/rules bending..

surely they observant the rules and it is possible

to see also in their behaviour here in rome;they spoke about

the rules that there are in rome when people go in the squares

or pubs and they observe and respect

all rules.Secondly I asked them,if also in the championship of the world

the shops are opened because in italy the work is stopped when there is this event,

they said that in america this isn't

important,job is job,the life don't stop and it is very cahotic!

this confirmed my opinion on the precedent value.

The day continue..they said they love rome,it is a dream to stay here...

We decided to take something in a pub and we stopped in a tipical

"trasteverino"pub very comfortable.

There we spoke for hours...

Suddenly I don't stayed in Rome,I stayed in another place but I don't know to

explain this..Maybe this can be expressed with the tale,

however I was happy.

I said John I'm afraid firstly because I will go in ireland for three mounths,

secondly I never stayed all this time distant by my family and friends

and in addition I never stay alone,immediately he said me

that it is a very important experience that american students

do abroad and also students more young moreover they speak with their family twice a week..

I opened my eyes!When I go to holiday abroad my mother call me one time...yes....

....But ALL DAYS!!

He spokes with me very sure of himself,he transmits me that he doesn't need nobody

and in addition that he thinks only in himself and in his experiences.

Surely they are individualist and very responsible!

Naturally,we took the topic of american university vs italian university,

we have seen many differences,

John goes to his university and he has an unaware faith in professors,

in fact he gives a lot attention in a course because he likes a lot what they said,

furthermore he thinks strongly

that what the professors said it is very important for his future.

I have undestood that they prefer to learn from an authority.

Subsequently,speaking about italian behaviour in a course,

he confirmed my opinion that they are very respectuful during a lesson,

in fact the majority of students don't chat with others also if there are

very little exceptions....If he is spontaneous..

I really think in his value of INDIVIDUALISM....

But I think he said me his real thinking;firstly because he appeared honest,

secondly I had smart questions and if I want I can be a very able actress

furthermore it is also possible that he is good to lie.....but.....

I don't think this last possibility...

We spoke about future,they have very clear ideas,they think that in some way

they will work in some sort of business.

This opinion make me reflect a lot,because is like if they have certainty in american job,

while here in italy work creates very doubts especially for young people.

I'm sure that they aren't uncertainty tolerant how are instead italian people...

For me it would be better

to live with certainly,probably this is assured by their nation and town.

In a speech I asserted that it isn't simple to give ours opinions in italian university,

firstly,to see what they answered,secondly to observe their way to react.

However they said that american universities are very open to new ideas,

and it is possible to speak without problems...

And then I have put them with italian people in the horizontal parameter.

I have noted that they maked us very direct questions about private life,

while sabrina and I,were more "discreet".

This can reflect the communication direct of american people.

After many hours,when I understand this way to do questions,I began to do like them.

At this point,I saw an incredible thing..SABRY,MAX,JOHN AND I WERE IN TUNING!!

I thought only in their values,their way to do and their words!

That's fantastic thing!I will remember this forever!

They said us that in america,bureaucracy is faster than italy..but I didn't have doubts!

We continued to speak and they said us,how is a toast in america!

they said:'to our health!'

Sabry and I said them that in rome we say:'Alla faccia di chi ce vò male!!'

in this way,all together said:


all four sniggered!!

We exchanged e-mail,number and the address of messenger...

We have organized a dinner before christams!

Finally,while I returned at home I thought in this experience,it has changed something

in myself..In this opportunity I spoke in a different way in fact sabry and

I realized together of it,

because we did alone this task,

but she controled me and I saw her,to view if there was a spontaneous change.

In addition,I hope in a future I will succeeded others times to be another person..

however I'm sure if I want it,I can do it!!

I think the culture behind a language is a thing very interesting and fascinate,

and the best thing is to enter in another matrix

and slowly to discover it.