Melissa Maurizi In my sociometric report I find out that the Trinity College student (that in my case was a girl)affirmed that boy has to make the first move in 3 out 3 questions,in her answer at question number 4 she affirms that she would never go out with a boy that doesn't have a car and she underline that he has to be a gentleman. While in answers number 7 anb 8 she didn't give me a real answer because she remain vague repeting the word "it depend" so she confirms that Americans girls prefer a traditional dating scheme and the man has a cenrtal role on dating and he is the one tnat makes almost all of the important actions. But I have to say that in the sociometric questionnaire there is an implicit social model behind the questions,that in some wqay limits the answer of the interviewer,this social model is the Italian Model in witch dating is a central theme in the italian social life. While the real report consist in making ethnographics questions starting from the socio metric report to really understand the mind set and the cultural background of the individual. The ethnographic questions are indirect questions that makes the parson who is interview open to who is making the interview and talk about his/her own culture and thoughts. These indirect questions could be some tales or narrations,so after the tale the American student wants to give and show his/her own opinion and that is the answer to the ethnographic question. Befor arriving at Trinity College I had some hypotheses about the American students,I tought the American Scheme of dating was a little bit more free and open while I discover tanks to my sociometric questions that it's very strict and the boys have to do all the "hard work",but Afret my ethnographict interview I realize that Americans are more open mind that I tought,it was like if the girl in front of me was taking by my narration and I feel in some way that the girl wanted to interact with me,so I feel in certain way that there was an empathy between us. Well in the end I have to say that the fact that I was talking only with one person meke me understand that it's easy to fall into subjectivity but I belive that I have limited this risk because I saw how tha American girl reackted to me,her reaction was to comunicate with me as if we know each other since long time. Melissa Maurizi