SARA EL SAWABI The result of sociometric questiones is that i don't understand the personality of the girl in front of me because this kind of questiones don't allow to show the real culture of the people and this from my point of youis completely wrong, because with sociometric questiones,the boys and girls that i interview were shy and embarrased, so i can't really know what they think and what they say is real or not! Before interview the student' of Trinity College i formulate a hypothesis about sociometric questiones, but during the conversation i change my opionion and start to made a ethonographic interview, because with this kind of questiones the interviewee is at one's ease, and is free to speak without problems or limitation. Moreover yet the interviewer to benifit from ethonagraphic method because he knows why he did this questiones and which is the purpose of interview. In conclusion i have to say that the result of sociometric and ethonographic is completely different from every point of view. FIRST: with sociometric questiones the interviewee doesn't say what he really feels, while with ethonagraphic method you understand well the person in front of you. SECOND: when ypu make sociometic questiones you use a particular italian stereotype in which dating is at the centre of social life.With ethonographic questiones you are free to pass from a topic to another topic. THIRD: with sociometric questiones you understand only "appareance" of the person , while with ethonagraphic questiones you go more deep in the culture of the people. SARA EL SAWABI