2006-07 COURSE: 632-o English III for English minors, OCI * TASK N° 1 Due date: Nov. 24, 2006 Group ____ Group Leader: _________________ Ethnographic Report Evaluation Form Formally, students' writing should be in British academic style. Besides using SBE (South-east British English or Standard British English) as the norm-giving variety for lexico-syntax, it should have the 6 discourse characteristics indicated here. In particular it should make abundant use of the connectives indicated here. POINTS: 1 = the paper seems written by a British academic: 0 = the style is conversational or follows Italian discourse conventions; too few connectives.. Content-wise, the Report should be marked as follows. POINTS FOR THE SOCIOMETRIC QUESTIONNAIRE FINDINGS: 1 = quantitatively categorized data. 0 = raw data. Explanation: 1 means that the findings of the Sociometric Questionnaire give a quantitative hold on the “reality” reported (for example: “2 out of 3 students interviewed said X to question 5” or, if only 1 student was interviewed, “The student confirmed male dominance in 2 out of 3 questions regarding male/female power ploys” 0 means that the findings of the Sociometric Questionnaire are expressed only in general terms. For example: ”The interviewee said she would speak first to a boy at a party but would not ask for his phone number” or “The interviewee confirmed my impression that Americans are mostly like Italians.” POINTS FOR THE EPISTEMOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF FINDINGS: 1 = explicit, falsifiable premises; 0 = implicit or purely intuitive premises. Explanation. 1 means that the student explains in explicit terms the social model implicit in the questionnaire and thus defines what the “reality” reported consists of. 0 means that the student gives generic considerations about quantitative vs. qualitative methods, or says (untrue) banalities like “Numbers don't give a true picture”. POINTS FOR RESULTS OF THE ETHNOGRAPHIC INTERVIEW: 1 = verifiable qualitative data. 0 = impressionistic data. Explanation: 1 means that the student explains variation between her/his initial hypotheses (her/his positioning of Trinity students within Hofstede's cultural dimensions) and her/his actual findings; moreover, s/he justifies the “empathetic intuitions” that s/he gleaned from her/his interviewee's narrations. 0 = The student gives impressionistic opinions that are undocumented and impossible to replicate or invalidate. POINTS FOR THE ACCOMPANYING EPISTEMOLOGICAL JUSTIFICATION: 1 = the “knowledge” that the student professes to have gained from the interview is presented problematically and, at the same time, in ways permitting some kind of verification 0 = implicit or purely intuitive premises. Explanation. 1 means that the student demonstrates an awareness of the inevitable subjectivity of her/his findings and shows how s/he limited the risk of distortion through authentic empathy with her/his interviewer. 0 means that the student took her impressions as “real” and therefore described her/his interviewees behavior and values as “objective” facts. WRITE STUDENTS' NAMES ON LINE, CIRCLE POINTS FOR EACH CATEGORY, GIVE TOTAL. 1. alfonsina pizzirusso Form = 0 Content = 2 Total = 2 Comment: _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. antonella landolfi Form = 1 Content = 2 Total = 3 Comment: _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. aloisia de longis Form = 0 Content = 2 Total = 2 Comment: _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. giulio davì Form = 0 Content = 2 Total = 2 Comment: _______________________________________________________________________ 5. fabio di cocco Form = 1 Content = 3 Total = 4 Comment: _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 6. _________________________ Form = 0 1 Content = 0 1 2 3 4 Total = __ Comment: _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________