"I'm no longer a slave, I'm free".
"Take it easy, in the end justice will come."
"Out of many, one people".
"We are all friends".
"Don't worry about a thing, it's gonna be all right".

“How elegant we are!”
“Our british sense of humour has become a world standard.”
“God “save” the queen “
“Do what you must, just so you do it properly”
“Always remember that you are, above all, English”
“Britain built an empire that still exists! “
Melting pot is good, but not too much! “
“Say what you mean but non assertively.”


1.Today, I can achieve all my goals; I will try, try, and try again until I REACH the top!
2.I’m a woman, but I’m strong and brave as a bushranger; I love adventure. I’m sure I can OVERCOME ANYTHING!
3.I like my mates very much; I trust of them!
4.Respect first of all!
5.I’m tolerant and I like different cultures mixing.
6.I’m direct; I say what I think; fuck “politically correct”, form and hierarchy!
7.Sense of humor helps to live better.
8.Punctuality is important.
9.I’m friendly and open.
10.Barbies and sports in the open-air PUT spice the INTO life.
11.I’m relaxed.

Pam – New Yorker (BRONX)
1. I can OVERCOME ANY obstacles.
2. I’m a woman and I have the same RIGHTS AND WILL-TO-SUCCEED AS a man.
3. I can speak UP spontaneously, IT'S GOOD TO BE SELF-ASSERTIVE AND FEISTY.
4. I can do what I want alone AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T INTERFERE WITH OTHERS.
5. I can reached myself from the differences. [??????]


1 Take it easy;

2 We are strong ad will never surrender

3 Fight for your beliefs

4 Fight aganst the weather and invaders

Characteristics of Anglo modes of expression in general

Sample high level modes:

the communicative intent manifests itself as

a. concrete,

b. explicit,

c. practical,

d. confrontational (but gentlemanly so: hedging, understatement),

e. eclectic...

Sample low level modes:

the communicative intent manifests itself through

a. phrasal verbs, quasi deictic definite articles – spatial concreteness

b. stress placement to “telegraph” essential information – explicitness

c. mostly baton (with few redundant iconic) gestures – practicality

d. turn taking to avoid silences & limit multiple floors – gentlemanliness

e. creativity in varying genres (new situations, fads...) – eclecticism

Codes: a. verbal, b. paraverbal, c. behavioral, d. interactional, e. discoursual...