TASK 4 - Paludi Annarita LS II ANNO 2008/2009

In Jamaica news are is spread through many newspapers, such as:

I am supposeing this article is to be included in the “Jamaica Observer” and where [since you're entering into the mentality of the highly educated class, start using hypotaxis instead of parataxis] it is will be read from by the Jamaican upper class with a certain interest and from by all the other Jamaicans, but without much interest and giving only a quick view glance...


by Annarita Paludi

July, 21 1997

Monteverdi, Pisa, (Italy) - Today, Enel - the biggest Italian company producer of electrical energy - inaugurated two new ultramodern power stations in Monteverdi Marittimo (PI) near Pisa [“PI” doesn't mean anything to your readers] for an considerable investment of a lot of money [<that's too colloquial for this newspaper]. These power plants have a greater capacity and are able to produce more kW/h per year, enough to meet the requirements of more people. [A very good job of simplifying the news, giving the essentials without the technical details which would be boring to your readers. They are highly educated but not techno-ecologists like the readers of Elisa's Seattle newspaper.]

These two state-of-the-art plants have also been designed to reduce their impact on the environment, cutting noise levels at the same time. This is another important step for Enel in the development of geothermal power, so it becomes one of the first electricity companies in the world to use a technology that involves fluid washing at a greater depth. [Perfect style for your target. Short and to the point, but complete]

Over the next five years there will be new additional plants that will have a provide even greater capacity than the existing plants in terms of Mw. [Overly explicit! Too many words! Your readers are highly educated but this doesn't justify being verbose!] Plus given the multiple uses of steam in industry and as an alternative source of energy for domestic heating, the construction of these two new power stations should have a positive impact on the whole of the Monteverdi area in terms of employment, as well as social and economic benefits. [Again, perfect style for your target. “Plus..:” = somewhat colloquial, but not street talk, that makes your sentence more readable to the educated, casual life-style kind of readership you are aiming for.]

We are fully satisfied – said Enel chairman Chicco Testa – that Enel is working actively in the field of research and is paying particular attention to the environment and local situations together with the development and enhancement of geothermoelectric resources”. [Again, perfect style]

OK, you got the idea!

An excellent rewrite. It would stand a much, much better chance of getting published by the Jamaican Observer than the original English-language ENEL news release.