Eugenia Netto - English, II-LM - a.a. 2008-2009


Redo, according to accommodation theory, the Enel press release translation.

-------ENGLISH VERSION: accommodation to Australian English and Aussie’s mindset and to a typical Australian newspaper---------


Two new geothermoelectric power stations inaugurated in Italy An investment of around 210 billion lire for the environment

Eugenia Netto

July 21, 1997

Two new geothermoelectric power stations were inaugurated by Enel, the Italian national electrical company, today in Monteverdi Marittimo, near Pisa. EXCELLENT; SHORT BUT SWEET.

These are two state-of-the-art plants are designed to reduce their impact on the environment, cutting noise levels at the same time and have an overall capacity of 40 Mw able to produce 260 million kW/h per year to restock FURNISH 350,000 people. Moreover the construction of these two new power stations will have a positive impact on the whole of the area in terms of THE environmental impact, employment as well as social and economic benefits. [TOO LONG. KEEP IT SHORT AND SWEET! BESIDES, YOU DIDN'T EXPLAIN THE CONCEPT OF “GEOTHERMAL” ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION; THIS IS SOMETHING TYPICAL AUSTRALIANS WOULD BE INTERESTED IN.] because of the multiple uses of steam THE SECRET LIES IN MULTIPLE USES OF THE STEAM DRAWN FROM THE EARTH'S CENTER; FIRST IT RUNS THE ELECTRICAL TURBINES AND THEN IS PIPED OFF TO industry and for domestic heating as an alternative source of energy.

This inauguration is another important step in the development of geothermal power for Enel which is one of the first electrical companies in the world using a technology that involves fluid washing at a depth of more than 1,000 metres. Over the next five years new plants are going to raise the capacity by around 200 Mw in addition to the current 512 provided by the 27 existing plants.

The chairman of the company Chicco Testa claimed [YOU NEED A COMPLEMENT, IT'S A TRANSITIVE VERB] SATISFACTION : ‘We are highly satisfied because Enel is working actively in the field of research to develop and enhance Italian geothermoelectric resources paying particular attention to the environment and to local situations too’.