Pamela De Santis – English II, LM – Task 4 – April 14, 2009

July 21, 1997

by Pamela De Santis

MONTEVERDI (PISA) – Today, the iItalian national electrical company, Enel, inaugurated two new ultramodern power stations at the top of green technology, for a total investment of around 11 billion euro. These have been designed to reduce their impact on the environment, cutting noise levels at the same time.

These power plants make Enel one of the first electricity companies in the world to use a technology that involves fluid washing at a depth of more than 1,000 metres. In fact,* They have an overall capacity of 40 Mw and can produce 260 million kW/h per year, enough to fulfill the requirements of 350,000 people. *Connectives are fine in academic writing, “Bronx” journalism should be telegraphic. I asked some of the other students to explain the term “fluid washing” but your readers probably couldn't care less what it is, they just want to be assured that it's the best, so no explanation is necessary.

Over the next five years new plants will raise capacity by around 200 Mw, in addition to the current 512 provided by the 27 existing plants. Plus, given the multiple uses of steam in industry and as an alternative source of energy for domestic heating, the construction of these two new Enel power stations should have a positive impact on the whole of the Monteverdi area in terms of employment, as well as social and economic benefits.

For the electricity board, this is another important step in the development of geothermal power. and its Chairman, Chicco Testa, Enel chairman, is proud [OK for the Bronx; this would sound too “padrino” or House Organ for the Wall Street Journal] that together with the development and improvement of geothermoelectric resources, Enel is working actively in the field of research, while paying particular attention to the environment and local situations.

Excellent. Really clean (and I cut even some more to make it cleaner!).
The idea of “Italian” + “ultramodern” will really please the Little Italy community in the Bronx.