Global Excellence - Austria

austria.gif (173 bytes) Participants in training environments in Austria may exhibit some of the following behaviours:

  • Prefer School Class Setting
  • Formal
  • Punctual
  • Prefer passive participation (unless group work)
  • Try to prove superiority
  • Prefer written tasks to verbal participation

Some of the core values and beliefs that may be ‘running this behaviour’ are:

  • Difficult problems require difficult solutions
  • The real problems in Management might be around the human ego, but don’t bother me with any soft stuff, just give me some facts and figures
  • It is nice to hear the theories, but in day-to-day life I will have to do it my way anyway
  • It has to be logical and factual
  • It is a (hopefully) nice break from work

Some Do’s may be:

  • Outline ‘rules’ from the very beginning
  • Explain why you are using certain learning techniques
  • Use a lot of references to academic studies
  • Use formal terms of address
  • Bring ‘value’ examples from participants’ environment
  • Have everything prepared and organized perfectly beforehand
  • Demonstrate (personal) benefit when adapting a new behavioral style
  • Break most of these rules in a constructive way if you really want to achieve any post-program behaviour change

Some Don’ts may be:

  • Say it is American know-how (even if it is)
  • Use too much humor
  • Make someone loose his/her face in front of the others
  • Use the term ‘psychology’

(Switzerland & Germany have marked similarities of values and behaviours)