
Participants in training environments in France may exhibit some of the following behaviours:

  • Like to discuss points thoroughly from a social, political even philosophical standpoint (not just a technical one).
  • Keen to pursue logical/critical arguments with trainer/other participants.
  • Open about positive/negative reactions so don't be afraid to say "no" and be critical.
  • Formal but in many contexts increasingly informal (although even here "Vous" is still prevalent with outsiders).
  • May arrive later or leave early.

Some of the core values and beliefs that may be 'running this behaviour' are:

  • French is best! - use the language if possible.
  • Intellectual processes must be rigorous and grounded in an overall view of Man.
  • Consensus is not always appropriate/required.

Some Do's may be:

  • Allow discussions to continue -- quality of input more important than keeping to schedule.
  • Be prepared to enter into debate/discussion and offer personal views.
  • Demonstrate logic behind arguments (better yet: cite a famous French writer!).

Some Don'ts may be:

  • Use self-deprecating humour too much.
  • Sacrifice thoroughness in the interests of time, as long as all delegates are engaged in the discussion.
  • Be too informal or over familiar, particularly with older groups.