Business English: Iri Management / Antex,  Rome - May 16th 2002 - © Patrick Boylan (patrick @ /


The critical incident.

INTERIOR - EVENING Entrance hall of the Kingston Palace Hotel -- Roger has just taken his keys from the clerk and notices George, who is standing to one side of the desk

1. ROGER: (hesitates, looks at George, can't judge George's expression, looks at clerk...)
        1. GEORGE: (immobile, then takes a step toward Roger)

2. ROGER: (looks back at George) Yes?
        2. GEORGE: (with enormous patience) I've... been... waiting... for you.... all day!

3. ROGER: (feels accused) What do you mean? You? Waiting for ME?
        3. GEORGE: Yessir.

4. ROGER: Well, actually, it was just the opposite.
        4. GEORGE: (remains silent, feels anger, tries to repress it)

5. ROGER: (nervous, since there's no answer) I waited for YOU all morning!
        5. GEORGE: All morning?

                1. CLERK: Ahhh, George, I think that was just an expression
        6. GEORGE: Hey, man, we's brothers, no?
                2. CLERK: Yeah, sure.
        7. GEORGE: Tell'im when I come?

6. ROGER: Look, we had an appointment at 10, right?
        8. GEORGE. Yessir, but...

7. ROGER: Well, you weren't there. Was I to waste the whole morning waiting?
        9. GEORGE: Listen, sir, I was there just after 10... And so I am asking to be paid.

8. ROGER: (shocked) PAID?!?!?

2. "Open dialogue"

1. ROGER: (hesitates, looks at George, can't judge George's expression, looks at clerk...)
2. ROGER: (looks back at George; asks him what he wants)
3. ROGER: (feels accused and asks for an explanation)
4. ROGER: (says that the truth is the opposite of what George says).
5. ROGER: (nervous: insists he waited)
6. ROGER: (confirms that the appointment was for 10 a.m.)
7. ROGER: (states that George did not come. Mentions the risk of a wasted morning.
8. ROGER: (is shocked to learn that George wants to be paid).

1. GEORGE: (immobile, then takes a step toward Roger)
2. GEORGE: (with enormous patience explains he has been waiting all day)
3. GEORGE: (Reaffirms his statements)
4. GEORGE: (remains silent, feels anger, tries to repress it)
5. GEORGE: (doubts that Roger waited all morning)
6. GEORGE: (asks the clerk to remember they are "brothers")
7. GEORGE: (asks the clerk to declare George's time of arrival)
8. GEORGE. (agrees, tries to add something)
9. GEORGE: (repeats he was there just after 10. Adds that he should be paid.

1. CLERK: (intervenes to tell George that Roger was just using an expression)
2. CLERK: (agrees unenthusiastically)