UniRoma3 2008-09 * LM II year English * Dialang, 20 April 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Put the info between the [brackets] FN[ ] First Name LN[ ] Last Name 00[ ] prefix tel or cell TL[ ] rest of tel or cell number EM[ ] E-Mail CU[ ] Curriculum: OCI, LL, Lettere... LISTENING______ WRITING________ READING________ GRAMMAR________ VOCABULARY L-Number[ ] W-Number[ ] R-Number[ ] G-Number[ ] V-Number[ ] L-Level_[ ] W-Level_[ ] R-Level_[ ] G-Level_[ ] V-Level_[ ] L-Myidea[ ] W-Myidea[ ] R-Myidea[ ] G-Myidea[ ] V-Myidea[ ] YOU MUST BE CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET TO USE DIALANG. The Dialang test will give you a number (example: 550) and a level (example: B1) for each capacity (reading, writing...). Plus it will say how YOU evaluated yourself (example: My idea of my level = A2). ATTENTION: If do more than one test WITHOUT restarting the program, the program will give you only a level (NOT a number, too). So please exit the program when you finish a capacity, then start it up again and CONNECT TO THE INTERNET.