Cobb-LaMarche 2004 Recount

 Liberty is Green

 Cobb-LaMarche 2004 Recount


 Still Separate and Unequal in America

Still Separate and Unequal in America

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 Count Every Vote

Cobb Blasts N.M. Supreme Court Recount Decision

December 24, 2004: Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb said that yesterday's decision by the New Mexico Supreme Court, denying Cobb's request to immediately start a recount of the presidential vote, was an insult to the democratic process and the citizens of New Mexico.  more 

Mock the Vote

Excerpt: "While much attention has been focused on Mr. Blackwell, as the Katharine Harris clone of 2004, New Mexico Governor Richardson has also done his utmost to delay and obstruct the initiation of a duly requested recount in New Mexico. Ohio's Republican Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell and New Mexico's Democratic Governor Bill Richardson are two elected officials who seem to care little for the laws governing elections or the people who put them in

office."  more 

 How Long Will It Take to Get It Right?

December 20, 2004, Scripps Howard News Service
By Thomas Hargrove

Election Study Finds Widespread Ballot-Counting Problems

Excerpt: "A review of election results in a 10-county sampling revealed more than 12,000 ballots that failed to record a vote for president, almost one in every 10 ballots cast. The unofficial audit by Scripps Howard News Service uncovered malfunctioning voting machines, improperly designed ballots and poor accounting procedures around the nation."  more 

Rev. Jesse Jackson: "Something's Fishy in Ohio"

11/30/04 Editorial
Chicago Sun-Times

"In the Ukraine, citizens are in the streets protesting what they charge is a fixed election. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell expresses this nation's concern about apparent voting irregularities."

"The media give the dispute around-the-clock coverage. But in the United States, massive and systemic voter irregularities go unreported and unnoticed."

"Ohio is this election year's Florida. The vote in Ohio decided the presidential race, but it was marred by intolerable, and often partisan, irregularities and discrepancies. U.S. citizens have as much reason as those in Kiev to be concerned that the fix was in," writes Rev. Jesse Jackson.  more


Columbus, Ohio Election Day video by For related documents, contact Sheri Leigh Myers at 310-390-8141.

 Demanding the right to vote in 1965

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Cost of the War in Iraq

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Our political system should bring us together as one nation, not divide us against one another. more

Sustainable Future

Ending our fossil fuel dependency will help build a sustainable future for our children. more

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