Caracas, September 22 - 2004                                  

Rome, Italy

Dear friend,

Probably, you may have already known about the World Meeting of intellectuals and artists on defense of the humankind which will be held in Caracas from 30th November to 5th December.

The idea of the event was born in a meeting of Cuban and Venezuelan writers convened in Caracas last January and the name of the event, by itself, gives an accurate notion of its clearest purpose.

Being supported by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez Frías, the event has been devised on a grand scale. Between three and four hundred personalities of cultural life coming from all the continents are expected. They will gather in Caracas with two hundred Venezuelan artists and intellectuals who will act as hosts to discuss and draw up strategies of resistance to the aims of world hegemony pursued by some superpowers, and to bear witness that the culture of world's people is more transcendent and with more future than the globalizing culture of multinational corporations. The sole confluence of such a number of personalities in Caracas is by itself a unitary gesture charged with the greatest meaning for the world.

For these reasons, we consider your presence among us would be very important and would help decisively to achieve the purposes of the meeting.

I would like to make it clear that in case you accept this invitation the organization of the event would take charge of the expenses of the international tickets, as well as of your maintenance for the days of the meeting. You can be sure that during these days you will be perfectly attended, because hospitality is one of the virtues of Venezuelan people. You will arrive at a country with an opened and tolerant spirit, and here you will have the opportunity to see by yourself, and without clogs or conditionings how advances the profound process of change which Venezuelan society is carrying out to build one social life more fair, balanced and worthy.

You know that at the present time our country is suffering a mediatic war without precedents where paradoxically virtual reality tries to replace the real reality. This virtual reality of the media seeks to show our country as a state of chaos, dominated by a militarist and authoritarian president and where freedom of expression is in danger. The True shown by facts evidences that never in our history has been such a freedom of expression as nowadays, and so many tolerance and respect to the human rights. The President Hugo Chavez, democratically elected, heads a peaceful and democratic transformation process, with an absolute respect for the legal norms of a democracy.

What happens is that there are powerful forces which don’t accept Venezuelan people undertake a path of dignification of its own existence, to get rid of injustice and exclusion which are endemic diseases of our society. There are powers which don’t accept that our country develop strategies which prompt to defend its own sovereignty.

In the frame of this world meeting, which program we’re sending attached, you will be able to witness what is happening in Venezuela. At the same time, you will contribute with your presence, your testimony and proposals to the building of that other possible world which all of us want.

We trust that you will kindly accept.

With kind regards and thanking you in advance for your attention,


Farruco Sesto Novas

Minister of Culture

Brief Description of the Program


30th November to 5th December

30 November: Working Tables.

01 December: Visit to the Missions in Caracas and in the Interior of the Country.

02 December: Plenary Session of tables.

Meeting with the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías

03 December: Multitudinous event:

Demonstration on defense of the Humankind

Big Closing Concert


For the inviteds who could stay these two following days and take part in lectures, talks, forums, etc.

4 -5 December: Forums, Talks, Lectures (National Territory)

Important Note: If your answer to participate in this World Meeting of Intellectuals and Artists on Defense of the Humankind is affirmative, we will send you a new missive asking you some personal data related to: International Air Ticket, hotel reservations and visas; as well as the definitive topics of the meeting and information interesting for you as a special invited participant.



Productora General

World Meeting of Intellectuals and Artists on defense of the Humankind

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