Cognome / Surname: Cosenza

Nome / First name: Luigi


Residenza / Residence: Bordighera (IM) , Italia

Sito web / Website

Lingue / Languages: English, italiano, Deutsch, français

Istruzione (titolo maggiore) / Education (highest):

Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries, London

M.A. (TESOL) Institute of Education, University of London

Professione / Profession: Executive Communication Coach, Financial English Trainer

(used to work as an actuary in Australia)

Descrizione attività / Specific activities: International business communication training covering English language, intercultural awareness, corporate communication and business and finance training. Language teacher training and education.

Interesse nella comunicazione interculturale / Interest in intercultural communication: 

Training executives in the use of English for international business communication necessarily involves IC. All my courses must address IC, even if limited to awareness-raising.

Ciò che vorrei dalla SIETAR-Italia / What I would like to gain from SIETAR-Italia:  

  1. Professional development opportunities.

  2. In addition, I need to be able to refer some of my clients/students to IC experts who can extend IC training work beyond the awareness-raising limit that I have currently imposed on my IC work. Therefore, it is important to become familiar with the skill sets of colleagues in the Italian IC field, just as a specialist in the medical profession ought to know the specialisations of his/her colleagues.

Ciò che posso offrire ai membrei della S.I. / What I can offer members of S.I.: 

  1. The perspective of multi-national clients in Germany and Italy.

  2. The perspective and knowledge of an Australian-born Italo-Australian former actuary (married to an Italo-German wife) with experience in the finance sector and English language training in a number of countries.

  3. Potential work opportunities.

Further information / Altri ragguagli: 

I look forward to meeting S.I. colleagues in Bologna tomorrow!