Cognome / Surname: Lake

Nome / First name: Ruth Ann


Residenza / Residence: Peschiera Borromeo (Milano)

Sito web / Website:

Lingue / Languages: I work in English, Italian and Spanish, conversational or coaching level for French, Basic Portuguese and Arabic

Istruzione (titolo maggiore) / Education (highest):2 Masters Degrees (M.P.A, M.S.)

Professione / Profession: Management Consultant and Trainer, Executive Coach

Descrizione attività / Design and deliver training workshops, seminars, executive coaching particularly in areas of effective cross cultural influencing, especially in assisting Italian managers who must navigate the complexities of working with anglo saxon corporate cultures and top management structures

Interesse nella comunicazione interculturale / Interest in intercultural communication:  My second Master’s degree (Masters of Science in Business Communications) included a concentration in Cross Cultural Communications, first joined SIETAR International in 1980, three and a half years living experience in Latin America. Five years work experience in Washington DC working with international training programs, mainly for mangers, finance experts, technical participants coming from Latin America, Africa, Middle East

Ciò che vorrei dalla SIETAR-Italia / What I would like to gain from SIETAR-Italia:   Keep in touch with Italy based colleagues, share experiences, new ideas, literature, occasional conferences or meetings on national level

Ciò che posso offrire ai membrei della S.I. / What I can offer members of S.I.:  Good familiarity with SIETAR and other International Organizations offering seminars and workshops in the Cross Cultural field. Have attended the Portland Summer Institute on Intercultural Communications three times, various advanced workshops such as Thiagi’s advanced simulations workshop, extensive work experience across Europe, practice and skill at designing and implementing multilingual seminars and workshops, as a native English speaker, often requested for plenary presentations at international seminars.

Further information / Altri ragguagli:  website: