Universita' di Perugia¤   Sede distaccata di Terni
Diploma Universitario per Traduttori e Interpreti

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English IV  (for translators/interpreters): a.a. 2000-2001
Second Semester (March-June)

Instructor: Patrick Boylan

books-3.gif  (2792 byte) Press here to see Course syllabus, Bibliography
calend-2.gif (2339 byte)  Press here to see Lesson time, Office hours
quaderno.gif (1839 byte)  Press here to see Homework, Research projects
computer.gif (7566 byte) Press here for Links of interest for translators


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books-3.gif (2792 byte)   Course syllabus

 Accents, Accidence, Accentuation, Accommodation
in Conference English

The majority of speakers of English at most international conferences use distinctive varieties which differ from Standard British or General American; what is more, it is foreseeable that such diversity will increase over time as the "norm providing status" of the U.K. (and the U.S.A.) decreases even more.

Conference interpreters must therefore be equipped to recognize and handle three kinds of non standard English.  These include the non-mainstream Englishes spoken in the Inner Circle (e.g., Scots English, Black American English), the mainstream Englishes spoken in the Outer Circle (e.g., South African English, Indian English), and the multitude of "scholastic Englishes" spoken by people in the Expanding Circle (e.g., German or Japanese conference attendees who speak the kind of English learned at school).  The latter often converge in regional koinés, such as South East Asian Businessmen's English.    For a description of world Englishes in terms of Inner, Outer and Expanding Circles, see R. White's on-line paper or B. Kachru's papers listed in the Bibliography.

In response to this need, the course will propose Learning Activities and Research Projects dealing with diversity in:

1. ACCENTS and ACCIDENCE: how to recognize and interpret the phonological and morphosyntactic realizations of non-standard English speakers;

2.ACCENTUATION: how to recognize and interpret the multimodal cues that non-standard English speakers employ to give greater expressivity to their words (prosody, gestures, facial expressions, posture, management of space...):

3.ACCOMMODATION:  how to recognize and interpret the changes conference speakers make in their habitual modes of expression in order to be more readily understood and accepted.  This applies in particular to speakers from the Inner Circle.


Patrick Boylan,"La traduzione in un corso di laurea in lingue: basi scientifiche ed implicazioni didattiche".  In: P. Pierni (Ed.), L'atto del Tradurre, Aspetti teorici e pratici della traduzione, Roma, Bulzoni (Biblioteca della cultura n° 574), 1999, pp. 129-151.    Per vedere la monografia sul questo schermo,  cliccare qui pallin.gif (510 byte)

Braj B. Kachru, "Standards, Codification, and Sociolinguistic Realism: The English language in the Outer Circle," in English in the World, edited by R. Quirk and H. Widdowson, Cambridge: Cambridge  University Press, 1985.

Kachru, Braj B., "The Second Diaspora of English," in English in Its Social Contexts, edited by T.W. Machan and C.T. Scott, New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Ron White. "Going round in circles: English as an International Language and Cross-Cultural Capability". In: D. Killick & M. Parry (Eds.), Languages for Cross-Cultural Capability. Leeds: University of Leeds Press, 1998. Per vedere la monografia sul questo schermo,  cliccare qui pallin.gif (510 byte)


The rationale used is that of Mastery Learning, which theorizes that (almost) all students can learn to a satisfactory degree, although some will have to work much harder and much longer than others.  Students will therefore do a varying number of Learning Activities and Research Tasks, which will be accorded from 0 to 6 points upon completion.  The student's final mark will be the sum of the points earned.   There will also be an optional final exam, worth 6 points, for those who wish to increase the mark earned during the course.  Highest mark for the course: 30 or "30 with honors" (trenta e lode).

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Lesson time, Office hours

Lesson time:

Office hours:

By appointment: Tuesday, 1–2 p.m., at the Rendez-vous.
To make an appointment or discuss by phone: tel. 06-491973 evenings.

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computer.gif (7566 byte)Links of interest

For additional reading on translation as intercultural communication:

Bibliography Intercultural Comunication
Library Translations (Montreal)


To improve your English:
Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab,
Lingua Center,
ESL Independent Study Lab

To research topics for a technical translation:
Rete di Biblioteche italiane    CAB
Biblioteche a Roma

On-line reference works:
Webster's Dictionary
WWWebster's Thesaurus
Dictionaries for 70 languages: List of Web Sites

On-line translation help:
Logos Group's  Multilingual Dictionary
Other word aids from Logos

To get advice IN ENGLISH on any subject (if sources above are insufficient):
Ask Me .com   (free advice even on technical subjects)
Web Help .Com (chat window only on Web topics)
Exper tCity .com  (chat window only on computer questions)
Abuzz   (free-for-all forum on general information)
All Experts   (advice on everyday topics)

Search engines

Ask Jeeves
Alta Vista Advanced Search Tutorial    <-- Learn to search!


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Homework/Research assignments

The initial activities will be given in class.  Later some will appear here.  These are for students who need extra learning.


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